
Let's catch up on meeting highlights, news and more !

March 21, 2023 Tuesday Luncheon Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President Harry Maloney.President Harry
Ed Morvay led us in the Pledge of Allegiance,
Jay Einstein conducted the 4 Way Test and Pastor Heather led us in prayer.
Notetaker was Alicia Fichera.
Sergeant at Arms was Andy Browne. There were 25 members and 3 guests in attendance. Guests included potential member Nancy Spinelli (Realtor),  guest speaker Alfonso Llano, Superintendent of Vineland Public Schools and Gia Messore, Public Information Officer for Strategic Communications and Partnerships 

**  Announcements  **

Gail Marino mentioned she needs volunteers for the Vineland Rotary Club Hunger Project on 4/22  from 10-11 am. We need 10 table captains and 10 volunteers for each table. We will assemble 20,000 meals to be donated to those in need in our community. Setup starts at 8 AM. Please contact Gail @ to volunteer.

Spirit and Truth - next date is 4/7/23 8:45 am. Volunteers are always needed for the first Friday of the month to assemble peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and assorted goodies to provide 100 lunches for individuals in need to have for the weekend. There is always a need for Rotary volunteers to help. Contact Joanne Hewes for more information @

Next Blood Drive is Tuesday 5/9/23 at the Ramada - we need volunteers! Contact Jim Siwek for more information @

Jay Einstein thanked everyone for the wonderful turnout at the Spaghetti Dinner!

Photos: Please remember to send all of your Rotary-related pictures to Jay Parks -- Jay thanks you!

Member Classification

We enjoyed hearing from Ryan Middleton who gave his classification presentation 3/21/23. Ryan, who operates Larry’s II with his brother, Bob, spoke about his background with Larry's II Restaurant.  He has lived in Vineland for most of his life and graduated Vineland High School in 1998 and University of Delaware in 2002. 
Ryan gave an overview of the history of Larry's II, which was born of the original “Jim and Larry's Restaurant” that was located on Landis Avenue. His parents, Bob and Denise Middleton originally operated the restaurant until Ryan and his brother/partner Bob took over the reins.  He spoke about the many employees who have been at the restaurant for 20+ and 30+ years and how thankful the family is for all their hard work and dedication to the business and community.
Ryan is a proud husband and father who enjoys spending time with his 14 and 16-year old children.
We all appreciate Ryan's dedication to Rotary. Not only do we hold our luncheon meetings at Larry’s II, Larry’s II has been a long-time supporter and benefactor of Rotary’s annual spaghetti dinners! Thanks Ryan and the entire Larry’s II family.


This Week's Program ...

         Vineland Superintendent of Schools                                           Alfonso Llano (left) and Gia Messore Public Information Officer for Strategic Communications and Partnerships for the school district (right) gave a detailed presentation about the many facets of the school district which seeks to serve the needs of every student with equity.

Click below to view the entire presentation ...
Rotarian of the Week!!

President Harry Maloney was named Rotarian of the Week and presented with a trophy and a crown. Harry was chosen for all of his hard work and dedication to the club! He's another great example of a dedicated Vineland Rotarian!

Visit the link below to see
our previous Rotarians of the Week ...




Don't miss our next Meeting:

Thursday, March 30, 2023 @ 5:45 pm

at The Green Olive Restaurant

featuring Interact Students

 Join us as we honor Interact Students

and present

Interact Distinguished Service Citations!


Visit our website for all of the latest news about the Vineland Rotary!

Upcoming Events
Evening Meeting
Green Olive Restaurant
Mar 30, 2023 5:45 PM
Lunch Meeting
Larry's II Restaurant
Apr 04, 2023 11:45 AM
Spirit and Truth Lunch Project
First United Methodist Church
Apr 07, 2023 8:45 AM
Membership Meeting
Black Olive Restaurant
Apr 13, 2023 7:30 AM
Challenger League Season Opener
North Vineland Little League Clubhouse Vineland, NJ 08360
Apr 15, 2023
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Lunch Meeting
Larry's II Restaurant
Apr 18, 2023 11:45 AM
Hunger Project with US Hunger
Salvation Army
Apr 22, 2023
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Evening Meeting
Green Olive Restaurant
Apr 27, 2023 5:45 PM
Lunch Meeting
Larry's II Restaurant
May 02, 2023 11:45 AM
Spirit and Truth Lunch Project
First United Methodist Church
May 05, 2023 8:45 AM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Gustav Foster
March 3
Ken Dondero
March 11
Josie Spinelli
March 15
Maria LeBlanc
March 17
Ken Pustizzi
March 24
Ana Saull
March 27
Join Date
Maria LeBlanc
March 1, 2020
3 years
Eileen Duffy
March 11, 2019
4 years
Stan Orzechowski
March 16, 2017
6 years
Donna Perez
March 21, 2017
6 years
Sandy Hearing
March 26, 2019
4 years
Dennis Palmer
March 30, 2004
19 years
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Executives & Directors
President Elect/Programs
Club Treasurer
Club Administrator
Community Service Director
Vice President/Fundraising
International Service Director
Immediate Past President
Charities Treasurer
Public Relations Director
Foundation Director
Youth Service Director