
Our website has been redesigned!

Click the link above to visit our new site.

Make sure you check it out soon for the latest information about your Rotary club! If you have issues logging in (under "Member Area") contact Melody Montgomery,   Club Secretary     for assistance.

William "Bill"Gilson was our guest speaker at our evening meeting, 1/26/23 providing an insightful overview of estate planning that triggered a lively question and answer period. See details of Bill's presentation below.
Sunday, March 19th is our eat-in, take-out fund-raising spaghetti dinner.
Tickets are available now -
please make sure you get yours and sell your share!
Ready to volunteer?
Contact Jay Einstein @ or Harry Maloney @ for more information!
Mark your calendars for Friday, 2/24/23 – “Let’s Boogie Down” will be held in the ballroom of Merighi’s Savoy Inn.
Proceeds will benefit Vineland Rotary, Big Brothers Big Sisters
of Cumberland and Salem Counties and the Vineland YMCA. Tickets can be    purchased online 
    (click here for tickets)

Let's catch up on meeting highlights, news and more !

February 7, 2023 Tuesday Luncheon Meeting

at Larry’s II Restaurant

President Harry Maloney welcomed everyone. Carol Musso let the Pledge of Allegiance, Dawn Hunter led the Four Way Test and Pastor Heather led us in prayer, Dave Schad was Sergeant at Arms. Alicia Fichera was notetaker.
Birthdays:  Ryan Middleton- 2/10, Nick Sena- 2/15, Caitlin Terry- 2/18, Ed Morvay- 2/19, Dave Hemple- 2/20


  Dawn Hunter was recognized for her 10 years of service with Rotary! She received          her 10-year pin from Ed Morvay.
President Harry:
Please sign up for the spaghetti dinner! Spaghetti Dinner Volunteer Sunday, March 19, 2023 at the Semper Marine Detachment #205, 2041 W. Landis Ave, Vineland, NJ. Setup starts at 10 am. Shifts are available 10:30 am -1:30 pm, 1:30-3:30 pm or all day 10 am until we are done!
Jay Einstein:
"This weekend, as I delivered 70 dinners to homeless residents of the Rural Development Center in East Vineland, you might have thought I was giving them each $1,000 Christmas gift. Their appreciation, gratefulness, and sheer surprise that a group of caring volunteers would go to the trouble of preparing and delivering a delicious hot spaghetti meal, with meatballs, bread, butter, salad and dessert was over the top. I wish all of you who volunteered your time, on a Sunday morning, to help the less fortunate among us, had as satisfying feeling as I did.
Thanks to you all for your fellowship, unselfish giving and attitude to help our fellowmen when they are not quite as fortunate as others, you truly are the best and can feel fulfilled to doing the work of the almighty, in your unselfish efforts."
Sherry Soutierre responded with:
"What a great morning of fellowship!
I had the same experience at Bethany Grace Church. They were so appreciative for the meals and could not thank us enough. I wish we could do something like this more often. People in our community should not go hungry. Maybe we can consider doing food drives or anything else we can think of."
Dawn Hunter:
Please join us for the Back to the Dandy event on 4/1/23! 
Our 47th annual Celebration of Spring
Appetizers, music, dancing, full 4-course plated dinner featuring dandelion salad and lots of FUN FUN FUN! / 6pm
Event Sponsored by City of Vineland, F&S Fresh Foods and PSEG Nuclear LLC
Be a "Root" Sponsor and roar your support for this community event!  Place an ad in the program book CLICK HERE
Gail Marino: Joe Ianni is going into surgery, please keep him in your prayers. 
April 22nd is our Feeding Children event, we will be making meal packets!
Josie Spinelli: Dave Scales is also going into surgery for his knee. Keep him in your prayers as well. 
Andy Brown: There are open positions within our Rotary Club for 2022-2023!
  1. Community Service Chair (currently Dave Scales)
  2. International Service Chair (currently Diane Alcantara)
  3. Membership Chair (currently Josie Spinelli)
Please join us as we need volunteers for peanut butter & jelly sandwiches at the Spirit and Truth Ministries on 3/3. Contact Joanne Hewes
Susanna Philippoussis: Scholarship committee is currently accepting applications. Closes on 3/28/23. Applications are on the website.
Josie: Has 2 new members joining! WOOHOO!!
Please purchase your tickets for Disco night. Disco BallMerighi's Savoy Inn, Feb 24, 2023  6:00 PM – 10:00 PM (See poster and info above)
As February is International Month, we are planning on having an "International" selection for our luncheon/meeting at Larry's II on February 21st. More details and menu to follow!  


Amurtel Romania
Guest Speaker: Didi Anada Devapriya (via zoom)
DID YOU KNOW: Over 40% of children are living beneath the poverty line.
AMURTEL Romania focuses on programs that protect, strengthen, educate, uplift and inspire those that are vulnerable due to social and economic disadvantages.
We believe that the best service is that which helps people to become more independent and develop their own potentials and we strongly believe that each and every human being has unique importance and value.
Mission: The mission of AMURTEL Romania is to offer opportunity, hope and support to disadvantaged children and youth at risk of   social exclusion.
The four main focus areas of AMURTEL’s work reflect its core values of empathy, resilience, selfless service and inclusion:
* Protection – offering the security of a loving family, nutritious food and safe shelter to  children in need;
* Empowerment – accompanying youth in their journey towards assuming the responsibilities of adulthood and discovering their unique gift for serving society;
* Neohumanist Education –promoting inclusive education and creative non-formal learning;
* Sustainability – developing ecological attitudes and healthy habits, grassroots community development and social enterprise. Click on to donate to support this amazing project.

      January 26, 2023 Thursday Evening Meeting

 at the Green Olive Restaurant

President Harry Maloney welcomed everyone.
Kevin Bernhardt - did the Four Way Test and gave our prayer while Jim Siwek led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Linda Rumick was notetaker,
We had two guests - Paul Spinelli, who joined his wife Josie Spinelli and Attorney William “Bill” Gilson from the Vineland law firm of Lipman, Antonelli, Batt, Gilson, Rothman & Capasso attended as our guest speaker for the evening.
Everyone wished Frank Rumick a Happy Birthday (1/30) and sang Happy Birthday!
We had a full house, a total of 18 in attendance, a great turnout for a Thursday night meeting! 


Josie reminded everyone about the upcoming Disco Ball February 24th at Merighi’s Savoy Inn! The event will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cumberland and Salem Counties, Vineland YMCA and the Vineland Rotary Club!! (See details above including a link to purchase tickets.)
Sue Sauro encouraged everyone to visit the Texas Roadhouse (dine in or take out) On February 13th - 10% of purchases will be donated to the Boys and Girls Club of Cumberland County’s “Teen Club”. Get out and support “Donation Night”.


Our guest speaker, Attorney William “Bill” Gilson from the Vineland law firm of Lipman, Antonelli, Batt, Gilson, Rothman & Capasso is a specialist when it comes to Estate Planning. While some of us may think it a dull subject, Bill made it a lively, informative and very interesting presentation. His talk sparked many comments and questions demonstrating that our members were truly interested in the topic.
Here are some of the most common estate planning problems, according to Bill:
Location of the last will and testament, power of attorney and advanced directive
  *Do you know where it is?
  *Is it the original document or is it a photocopy?
  *Who else knows where it is?
Alterations to original documents
It is not uncommon to see handwritten notes on a Will, Power of Attorney or Advanced Directive.
This doesn’t make it legal!
  *Has it been revoked?
  *Has it been modified?
The one likely guarantee? Court intervention to enforce it is a likelihood, if it is possible.
Beneficiary Designations
Most often occurs in non-probate assets (IRA, 401(K), 403(b), annuities, life insurance).
  *Who is the primary beneficiary?
  *Who are the contingent or secondary beneficiaries?
   *Is a beneficiary disabled?
   *Income tax/inheritance tax considerations.
How are assets titled?
  *Applies to Real Estate and Personal Property such as stocks, CDs, cash, automobiles, etc,
  *Jointly held accounts versus individual or tenancy in common accounts.
  *How it is held may prevent a gift from occurring.
Special considerations
  *Use of a gift list
  *Use of a life estate deed
  *Real Estate Tax Considerations
  *Senior Citizen Discount
  *Surviving Spouse of a Veteran
  *Preserving the Homestead Rebate if home is sold
Bill offered to help members with  specific questions if they email him for more information (
A great turnout at our Thursday evening meeting and great conversations!


Upcoming Events
Membership Meeting
Black Olive Restaurant
Feb 09, 2023 7:30 AM
Lunch Meeting
Larry's II Restaurant
Feb 21, 2023 11:45 AM
Evening Meeting
Green Olive Restaurant
Feb 23, 2023 5:45 PM
Disco Ball
Merighi's Savoy Inn
Feb 24, 2023
6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Spirit and Truth Lunch Project
First United Methodist Church
Mar 03, 2023 8:45 AM
Lunch Meeting
Larry's II Restaurant
Mar 07, 2023 11:45 AM
Membership Meeting
Black Olive Restaurant
Mar 09, 2023 7:30 AM
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Mar 19, 2023
Lunch Meeting
Larry's II Restaurant
Mar 21, 2023 11:45 AM
Evening Meeting
Green Olive Restaurant
Mar 30, 2023 5:45 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Nicholas Sena
February 15
Cait Terry
February 18
Ed Morvay
February 19
David Hemple
February 20
Join Date
Michael Cyter
February 1, 2014
9 years
Wayne Triantos
February 2, 1992
31 years
Brian Rehm
February 3, 2015
8 years
Justin White
February 9, 2021
2 years
Rob Tola
February 10, 2004
19 years
Laura Powers
February 11, 2020
3 years
Steve Plevins
February 28, 2016
7 years
Sandra Forosisky
February 29, 2016
7 years
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Don't miss our next meeting - Tuesday, February 21, 2023 @ 11:45 am at Larry's II Restaurant. Guest speaker will be Timothy Massawe from Tanzania.