Highlight from our January 2nd Meeting
President Andy Browne opened the meeting with a encouraging story related to our Rotary International President Gordon MacInally's theme of supporting mental health initiatives. He has asked clubs to focus on emotional well-being and mental health needs. Andy shared a personal success story. He related that he suffered from anxiety as a child - he was very shy. Andy said his anxiety increases during the holidays. One of his coping mechanisms is making lists on index cards "with everything I need to get done" listed. Recently, Andy reduced his anxiety in a simple manner. "I gave myself permission to cross something off of the list - and it reduced my anxiety!" Let's all follow Andy's lead and be kind to ourselves as well as others as we focus on our mental health.
Donata Dalesandro led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, Donna Bennett reviewed the 4 Way Test and Jay Einstein provided the invocation. Linda Rumick was our notetaker. We all sang a cheerful "Happy Birthday" to Karen Bauman who celebrated on January 1st. Andy thanked Harry Maloney and Gus Foster for setting up the room pre-meeting.
Maureen Simmons worked the room, collecting lots of Happy Dollars. Happy Rotarians included Alan Dickenson, Jay Einstein, Frank Rumick, Linda Rumick, David Scales, Sherri Prescott and Don Daigle.
Our Guest Speaker - Dr. Seth Silver
Jay Einstein introduced our Guest Speaker, Dr. Seth Silver (left) who captured the att
ention of Rotarians with an entertaining and informative review of his recent brush with a serious health issue. Dr. Silver, an orthopedic surgeon who was the Executive Director of the Ambulatory Care Center in Sewell, said he knew better, but he procrastinated having a colonoscopy until he was 67. The test revealed issues which needed to be dealt with immediately.
He was very lucky that his condition was caught early and didn't lead to a bigger health issue. He entertained us with a number of amusing anecdotes but left us with an important message -- don't neglect your health. Early detection is key to successful results in treatment.
Dr. Silver's experience led him to choose retirement so he can enjoy time with his family and doing the many things he enjoys. Again - he reiterated - don't wait. Even if you have no family history, get the tests your doctor recommends so if you do have an issue, it can be caught early. Thank you Dr. Silver for your entertaining and important message.
Lots of smiles at our January 2 meeting!